Group therapies and workshops

Group therapies and workshops
Group therapies and workshops
Therapy and support groups can play a very important role in the healing process. They function as complementary resources to individual psychotherapy and allow you to break the isolation safely, in a climate of respect and trust.
The following groups are open to all and offered several times in the course of the year. It is important to note that an initial meeting with the main organizer of the activity is compulsory for persons who are not clients of the BACA clinic
Skills Group Psychoeducation Group
Group therapy consisting of 12 meetings intended to help you to develop skills to combat both you’re eating disorder and the negative emotions and anxiety that often get in the way of recovery, such as:
- Introduction to Mindfullness
- Emotion regulation
- Distress tolerance
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Identifying and combatting cognitive distortions and dysfunctional thoughts
- Identifying vulnerabilities, triggers and consequences of behaviours
Eating Compulsions Group
Group therapy consisting of 12 meetings intended for persons suffering from eating compulsions and/or binge eating disorders. The essential foundations of eating disorders are addressed:
• Causes and functions
• Cognitive distortions
• Maintenance and recovery factors
• Body image
• The role of society
• The loss of one’s dream to be thin
• The role of family and relatives
• Tools to promote well-being, etc.
Parents and Relatives Group
Group workshop consisting of six meetings for the parents and relatives of persons suffering from an eating disorder. Discussions focus on the main implications of accompanying a person suffering from an eating disorder, in addition to proposing readings and complementary exercises to consolidate the learning achieved in the group work.
The following groups are open only to BACA Clinic clients and are provided several times during the course of the year.
Meal Group
Group meetings of one hour and a half offered 5 times a week, where a member of the BACA team shares a meal at the clinic with people being monitored at the clinic. The first part is devoted to the meal and the second part, to providing feedback on the collective experience.
Support Group (open)
Group meeting of one hour and a half every 2 weeks during which a member of the BACA team leads a support group. The first part of the meeting consists of a round table discussion and this is followed by a specific topic related to eating disorders.
BACA is here to support and help you
Eating Disorders Clinic
Come and meet us
2121 Crescent street, suite 200
Montreal (Quebec) H3G 2C1
Contact us
Phone: (514) 544-2323 | 1-833-544-2323
Fax: (438) 802-5814
Email: info@cliniquebaca.com