Eating disorders – individual psychotherapy
Individual psychotherapy
Individual psychotherapy
The most frequently chosen follow-up at the BACA Clinic is the multidisciplinary outpatient. It includes weekly individual psychotherapy meetings, nutritional meetings as well as a scheduled medical follow-up.
Getting to know you
The first step in the process is to establish a relationship of trust with your therapist. This can be developed over several sessions. Talking about relationships, one’s fears regarding therapy, expectations and concerns is very important in the early stages. Your therapist will listen to your fears and your ambivalence, will discuss with you the therapeutic process, give you his clinical impression as to the suffering that you are describing and also give you his recommendations. The dialogue will be candid and open.
Personalized to your needs
You will then talk about your goals and your resources. A treatment plan will be established according to your needs, the nature and severity of the problem and, of course, the recommendations of the attending team whose expertise will guide and supervise the treatment. The approach will be also adapted to the more particular needs of different populations (women, men, adolescents, athletes, people of different cultures and origins, etc.).
Please note that you do not need a doctor’s referral to begin a therapeutic follow-up with the BACA Clinic.
Different groups in our society require different approaches.
No one understands this better than BACA experts.
For women
The majority of people who suffer from eating disorders are women. This statistic is reflected in the BACA clinic’s clientele. However, despite the fact that teenage girls and young adults are almost exclusively represented in the anorexia literature, women of all ages are welcome at BACA. Regardless of age, their suffering is much the same and deserves to be alleviated.
For men
The problem of food disorders affects a considerable proportion of men who, too often, live their suffering in isolation. These men face distinct challenges typically related to the problem of eating disorders, which can sometimes differ from those faced by women. At the BACA Clinic, we adapt our approach to these peculiarities and we are pleased to welcome boys and men to our clinic.
For athletes
Athletes represent a population that is more at risk. The fact that physical performance is closely connected to diet explains in part this range of vulnerability. Athletes also exhibit certain specific characteristics, including self-discipline and the desire to surpass oneself, as well as dietary control. Being pushed to the extreme can sometimes result in an eating disorder. The BACA clinic adapts to the realities of the sport in question and teams up with coaches and other professionals surrounding our customers.
BACA is not a weight loss clinic
Most of the people who consult us want to lose weight. However, BACA is not a weight loss clinic. Our mission is to foster a healthy and harmonious relationship with food, regain a healthy weight and work to develop a better self-image in general and a better body image in particular.
BACA is here to support and help you
Eating Disorders Clinic
Come and meet us
2121 Crescent street, suite 200
Montreal (Quebec) H3G 2C1
Contact us
Phone: (514) 544-2323 | 1-833-544-2323
Fax: (438) 802-5814