Resources and references

Resources and references
Resources and references
Eating disorders Quebec
Here is a list of Quebec resources specialized in the treatment of eating disorders in adults:
Non-profit organization which assists people affected directly or indirectly by an eating disorder. The agency offers a help line and referral service, closed and open support groups workshops for families and loved ones and prevention activities.
Person responsible : Mrs. Josée Champagne
5500 Trans-canada Highway, Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9R 1B6
(514) 630-0907
(800) 630-0907
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université Laval – Programme des Troubles des Conduites Alimentaires (PITCA)
Hospital offering a complete program specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. The program is addressed to persons aged 18 years and over who reside in the Quebec City region.
Person responsible : Colette Martineau
2705 Laurier Blvd. (RC 157) Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1V 4G2
(418) 654-2121
Centre Hospitalier de Universitaire de Sherbrooke
Hospital offering services of evaluation, individual follow-up and group therapy. Persons must be aged 18 years and over and a medical reference is required.
Person responsible : Dr. Valérie Boily
580, Bowen South St. Sherbrooke, Quebec J1G 2E8
(819) 346-1110 ext. 25532
Non-profit organization, located in Sept-Îles, which intervenes with persons with eating disorders and obesity problems as well as with their relatives.
Person responsible : Mrs. Josã Pelletier and Mr. Denis
PO box 1758 Sept-Îles, Quebec G4R 5C7
(418) 968-3960 – (877) 968-3960
Non-profit organization that promotes the prevention and reduction of problems related to weight and body image through the development of awareness-raising activities and the design of educational programs and tools.
Person responsible : Cynthia Fournelle
7200 Rue Hutchison – Suite 304, Montreal, Quebec H3N 1Z2
(514) 270-3779 ext. 223
Hospital which offers a complete program specializing in the treatment of eating disorders such as outpatient follow-up service, a day program, a residential program and a research program. These services are available to persons of 18 years and over and a medical reference is required.
Person responsible : Mrs. Suzanne Gagnon
6605 Lasalle Blvd., Verdun, Quebec H4H 1R3
(514) 761-6131 poste 2895
Community organization, located in Quebec City, which provides help line as well as individual and group meetings for people who suffer from an eating disorder as well as their relatives.
Personne responsable : Mrs. Myriam Trudel
1100 Route de l’Église, Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1V 3V9
(418) 650-1076 – (866) 966-1076
Outremangeurs Anonymes
Association of men and women who share their personal experience, strength and hope for the purpose of recovering from their eating compulsion.
For meetings in the Montreal region: 1 (877) 509-1939
Here is a list of Quebec resources specialized in the treatment of eating disorders in adolescents:
Centre Hospitalier de Universitaire de Sherbrooke
Hospital offering the services of evaluation/assessment, individual follow-up and family therapy for adolescents aged 17 years and under. A medical reference is required.
Person responsible : Dr. Caroline Pesant
580,Bowen South St., Sherbrooke, Quebec J1G 2E8
(819) 346-1110 ext.74644
Hospital offering internal and external services to adolescents boys and girls aged 12 to 18 years who suffer from an eating disorder.
Person responsible : Dr. Franziska Baltzer
1040 Atwater Street Montreal, Quebec H3Z
(514) 412-4481
HOSPITAL DOUGLAS – Stearns Pavilion
Hospital offering the services of assessment, group therapy, individual therapy and family therapy as well as residential follow-up. Programs for youth aged 6 to 12 years and programs for youth aged 13 to 17 years.
Person responsible : Chloé Desrosiers
6605 Lasalle Blvd. Verdun, Quebec H4H 1R3
(514) 761-6131 ext. 3056 post
SAINTE-JUSTINE HOSPITAL – Adolescent medicine clinic
Hospital offering internal and external services to adolescent boys and girls aged 12 to 18 years who suffer from an eating disorder.
Person responsible : Dr. Danielle Taddeo
3175 Chemin de la Côte Ste-Catherine Montréal Québec H3T 1C5
(514) 345- 4722
Eating disorders in Canada
For resources elsewhere in Canada:
National Eating Disorder Information Center (NEDIC)
Non-profit organization that provides referral services, information and support to people affected by eating disorders.
200, Elisabeth Street Toronto Ontario M5G 2C4
1(866) 633-4220
Eating disorders in the United States:
For resources in the United States:
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Related Disorders (ANAD)
(630) 577-1330
Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA)
(410) 570-9577
(855) 855-BEDA (2332)
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
(800) 931-2237
Books in French:
Eating disorders:
BUCKROYD, Julia. (2000) Anorexie et boulimie. Collection: Les guides essentiels 7191, Paris: Éditions J’ai lu, 119 p.
HERVAIS, Catherine. (2012) Boulimie Anorexie, guide de survie pour vous et vos proches. Interéditions.
HERVAIS, Catherine. (2007) Les toxicos de la bouffe. Interéditions.
LOUPIAS, Annick. (2002) La tortue sur le dos (ma lutte contre la boulimie). Éditions : Les éditions de l’homme, 189 p.
PALMER, Bob. (2008). Comprendre les troubles alimentaires.
POMERLEAU, Guy et coll. (2001) Anorexie et boulimie : Comprendre pour agir. Collection: Démystifier les maladies mentales. Québec: Gaëtan Morin Éditeur, 212 p.
RIGAUD, Daniel. (2012). 100 idées pour se sortir du trouble alimentaire.
ROTH, Geneen. (1991) Lorsque manger remplace aimer. Traduction de: When food is love, Québec: Éditions internationales Alain Stanké, 232 p.
SCHMIDT, Ulricke, TREASURE, Janet. (1993) La boulimie (s’en sortir repas après repas). Éditions : Esteem, 176 p.
SIMON, Dr. Yves, NEF, Dr. François. Comment sortir de l’anorexie. (2002) Éditions : Odile Jacob, 202 p.
ZERMATI, Dr. Jean-Philippe. Maigrir sans régime. (2004) Éditions : Odile Jacob, 410 p.
For parents and relatives:
DE SÈVE, Marie-Claude. Troubles alimentaires : guide de survie pour les parents et proches et les aidants naturels. (2010) Les Éditions Quebecor, 199p.
WILKINS, Jean en collaboration avec Odile Clerc (2011). Adolescentes anorexiques: plaidoyer pour une approche clinique humaine. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 202 p.
Books in English:
General Eating Disorders:
COSTIN, Carolyn. (2007). 100 questions about eating disorders. 160p.
COSTIN, Carolyn. (2007) Eating disorder sourcebook (The). Los Angeles: RGA Publishing group, 328 p.
HALL, Lindsey, COHN, Liegh. (2010) Bulimia (a guide to recovery). Gürze Books, 280 p.
HALL, Lindsey, OSTROFF, Monika. (1998) Anorexia Nervosa (a guide to recovery). Gürze Books, 177 p.
KANO, Susan. (1989) Making peace with food: Freeing yourself from the diet/weight obsession. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside Limited, 256 p.
KIRKPATRICK, Jim, CALDWELL, Paul. (2001) Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Binge Eating and others. Toronto: Key Porter Books Limited, 201p.
NASH, D. Joyce. (2010) Binge no more. New Harbinger Publications, 265 p.
ROTH, Geneen. (1982) Feeding the hungry heart : The Experience of Compulsive Eating. Signet Non-Fiction AE 6131, New York: Penguin Group, 212 p.
ROTH, Geneen. (1992) When food is love. A Plume Book, 205 p.
SCHAEFFER, Jenni, THOMAS, Jennifer. (2013). Almost Anorexic. 225p.
SCHAEFFER, Jenni. (2004). Life without ed. 188p.
TRIBOLE, Evelyn, RESCH, Elyse. (2012). Intuitive Eating. 335p.
COSTIN, Carolyn, SCHUBERT GRABB, Gwen. (2011). 8 keys to recovery from an eating disorder. 296p.
HALL, Lindsey. Full lives. (1993) Gürze Books, 271 p.
KERRIGAN, Cheryl. (2011). Telling Ed no! 256p.
LIU, Aimee. (2011). Restoring our bodies. 240p.
For Parents:
COSTIN, Carolyn. (2013). Your dieting daughter. 236p.
HENRY, Becky. (2011). Just tell her to stop: family stories of eating disorders. 278p.
HERRIN, Marcia, MATSUMOTO, Nancy. (2007). The parent’s guide to eating disorders. 324p.
LOCKE, James, LeGrange, Daniel. (2004). Help your teenage daughter beat an eating disorder. 295p.
NATENSHON, H. Abigail, (1999) When your child has an eating disorder: a step-by-step workbook for parents and other caregivers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 265p.
RICHARDSON, Brenda Lane, REHR, Elane. (2001) 101 Ways to help your daughter love her body. Harper Collins, 245 p.
SIEGEL, Michele, BRISMAN, Judith, WEINSHEL, Margot. (2007) Surviving an eating disorder: Strategies for family and friends. NewYork: HarperCollins Publishers, 269 p.
For Teenagers:
SCHRAB, Lisa. (2010). The bulimia workbook for teens. 142p.
NELSON, Tammy. (2008). What’s eating you? A workbook for teens who have problems with food. 112p.
For Men:
ANDERSEN, Arnold, COHN, Leigh, THOMAS, Holbrook. (2000). Making Weight. Gürze Books, 245 p.
POPE, G. Harrison, PHILLIPS, A. Katharine, OLIVARDIA, Roberto. (2002) The Adonis Complex. A Touchstone Book, 278 p.
For Athletes:
POWERS, Pauline, THOMSON, Ron. (2008). The exercise balance. 300p.
For an exhaustive list of anglophone references please visit the Gurze books’ website at : www.bulimia.com
The BACA Clinic is not responsible for the content of websites accessed via hyperlinks.
(Last revision : June 2015)
Eating Disorders Clinic
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2121 Crescent street, suite 200
Montreal (Quebec) H3G 2C1
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Phone: (514) 544-2323 | 1-833-544-2323
Fax: (438) 802-5814
Email: info@cliniquebaca.com