The pathway to recovery starts now. Trust a clinic with 20+ years of experience.

Intensive treatment programs for adults
When eating disorder symptoms become all-consuming and cause severe problems in everyday functioning such as with work, school or relationships, it may become necessary to consider more intensive forms of treatment. BACA can provide these more intensive services and supports for those whom traditional outpatient treatment is insufficient at this stage in their recovery, or for those who are stepping down from inpatient or residential units.

There are two types of intensive treatment available at BACA year-round:

4 to 12-week Intensive Day Treatment Program (DTP) >
individualized Intensive Out-Patient Program (IOP) >

BACA provides meals and snacks based on individualized meal plans created by our nutritional counselors. The supervised and supported meals allow for exposure and response prevention as well as tolerance of distress and anxiety.
Both intensive programs also offer various daily structured groups and therapeutic activities in addition to bi-weekly psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, medical follow-up, and family therapy.
Evidence-based groups focused on CBT, DBT, and mindfulness are provided in addition to other creative approaches. It allows participants to break the isolation and meet others who are also struggling with similar behaviours and life challenges, while learning new skills and strategies to support them in their recovery.

Contact us to learn more about our Intensive Programs.

What Our Clients Say

“I will never be able to find the words to express my gratitude to the BACA Clinic … Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

– Micheline

“When I look at the BACA Clinic, I think of the love that I found within its walls, the caring and attentive staff, but especially, I think of the hope that this team instills in all those who want to overcome an eating disorder.”

– Marlène

"I always felt supported, surrounded and respected, regardless of the choices that I was making or the situations I was experiencing. [BACA] also gave me the chance to get to know some extraordinary people who will have a special place in my heart for the rest of my days."

– Marie

“Thank you to the BACA Clinic for their professionalism and their respect. Thank you for supporting us and restoring hope to our daughter. You were our last resort and, more importantly, you were a great help.”

– Catherine’s parents

“My road to recovery has progressed day by day. It is thanks to the BACA Clinic team that I came to feel better and to understand the reasons that led me to suffer. (…) I am learning to love life and what positive things it can bring me. (…) Many thanks to BACA for helping me get out of this hell and for continuing to be there for all of us.”

– Danielle

“My relationship with my body is much healthier and my relationship with food has changed completely. (…) Today, I am able to look at myself in the mirror and accept what I find beautiful and what I find ugly. I am proud of myself!”

– Marlène

There are two types of intensive treatment available at BACA year-round

Our Specialized eating disorder day treatment program is a 4 to 12-week Intensive Day Treatment Program

The Day Treatment Program is a 4 to 12-week intensive program that runs 5 days per week, on week days. In addition to daily supervised meals and snacks, our program includes daily therapy groups, individual psychotherapy sessions and individual nutritional consultations every week, regular medical follow-ups, as well as structured therapeutic activities and family meetings as needed.

Our program offers an environment that is safe, warm, supportive and reassuring. Its primary goal is to reduce eating disorder symptoms by focusing on destructive eating behaviours and teaching skills to aide in the regulation of stress and emotions (mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness). Therapeutic objectives aiming for recovery are identified through a collaboration between the treatment team and the client.

By using treatment approaches supported by research, and favoring a gradual re-integration post-treatment, our program also prepares our clients for a return to school, to work, and to their daily lives.

See our schedule >

Our individualised Intensive Out-Patient (IOP) Program

An individualized intensive program can also be put together at any time for clients who require more support beyond their weekly individual psychotherapy sessions but may not require all the services available in the Day Treatment Program.

The individualized intensive program is tailor-made to each client’s needs, and will often include a set number of supervised meals with post-meal support groups, psychotherapy groups, and a possible increase in the frequency of individual psychotherapy and nutritional consultations. Together with the client, and at times with their family, we can establish a treatment plan that will provide an increase in the time spent within our therapeutic environment.

By identifying together, the specific treatment goals and needs to be addressed, we can recommend the appropriate level of care, structure and support needed over a pre-determined length of time that will foster recovery. The number of supervised meals, therapy groups, and individual sessions can also be increased or decreased as client needs change, and a revised treatment plan will be established accordingly.

Services at the BACA Clinic are tailored to individual needs. Here are some of the things you might see at BACA during your program

Weekly services

• Daily supervised meals and snacks followed by a post-meal support group
• Individual psychotherapy sessions
• Individual nutritional consultation sessions
• Weekly meal planning
• Group psychotherapy
• Workshops
• Cooking Workshop
• Therapeutic Activities and Field trips
• Therapeutic structure

Weekly meetings

Weekly Planning:
Meetings where we review the previous week and weekend, as well as plan and organize weekly tasks and activities

Community Meeting:
Weekly meeting where we discuss community life within the program, adherence to the therapeutic structure, and interpersonal challenges encountered and a review of the personal objectives established.

Weekend Planning:
Friday meetings to set weekend objectives and trouble-shoot anticipated difficulties.

Other services

• Family therapy sessions
• Grounding and psychoeducation sessions
• Support group for family and loved ones
• Medical follow-up with our doctor as determined by the treatment team
• Meals outside the program

Group topics covered through the duration of the program

• Psychoeducation of eating disorders
• Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
• Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
• Anxiety and depression
• Motivation and stages of change
• Family and interpersonal relations
• Body image
• Nutrition
• Trauma
• Self-compassion and self-care
• Assertiveness and communication skills
• Creative arts therapy
• Grounding
• Mindfulness and relaxation
• Sexuality
• Recovery / Relapse prevention
• Videotherapy
• Shame and Self-Compassion
• 8 keys to recovery workshop (Carolyn Costin model)
• Reading and writing workshops
• Q&A sessions with medical doctor
• Recovery testimonials

years of experience

clients treated



Recovery isn’t easy, but we can help. Call us and find out if our program is right for you…

Call (514)-544-2323 or fill in the form below.