Tania Lemoine

Tania Lemoine
Tania Lemoine
Founder of the BACA Clinic
The BACA clinic was founded by Tania Lemoine, PsyD, MSSW, CEDS, graduate of Columbia University in New York City. Entrepreneur, Therapist, Specialist, Philanthropist and Author of “l’Espoir à table” Tania built her reputation among recognized specialists working in the field of eating disorders, benefiting from her graduate degrees and specializations as well as from over 25 years of clinical experience and expertise.
Tania has been bringing her passion and dedication with zeal and loyalty to the cause of eating disorders since she herself recovered from her own bulimia and was driven to pay it forward.
Tania has been offering professional trainings for people who wish to broaden the scope of their knowledge regarding eating disorders since 2001. More recently Tania has developed more elaborate trainings, supervisions and a certification track for health care professionals which will be accessible to all via our new BACA Eating Disorders Training Institute.
For more than twenty years, Tania has been a member of many specialized organizations. She has presented at conferences, granted television and radio interviews, written numerous articles, participated in a big screen movie “La peau et les os, après…” both as an adviser off screen and as an expert on screen, she was a professional spokesperson for the Dove campaign for real beauty, she has also taught classes at colleges and universities.
In 2004, Ms. Lemoine became a member of the board of directors of ANEB, a commitment she honoured for three years. In 2013 she renewed her commitment with ANEB and has been supporting this organization ever since.
Recently, Tania completed the writing of her book “l’Espoir à table”, a book published by “les éditions de l’homme” and soon to be translated in English, catering to the needs of individuals suffering from eating disorders and their loved ones.
Upon returning to Quebec, Tania’s first mission was to start this very clinic, a private clinic specialized in the treatment of EDs. The BACA Eating Disorders Clinic was thus founded in 2001 in the city of Montreal. BACA is a bilingual organisation offering specialized services for people suffering from EDs. The clinic deems it important and crucial to work within a multidisciplinary framework in order to offer a warm environment that is conducive to full recovery and that recognizes the specific needs of each individual. The treatment team, which believes in the full recovery of EDs, is composed of licensed professionals who are members of their respective professional orders. Moreover, all professionals at the clinic, consisting mainly of psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, nutritionists, and medical doctors, are specialized in the treatment of eating disorders. In addition to having undergone an intensive training program given by the clinic’s director Tania Lemoine, the team of professionals have participated in several ED related conferences and ongoing continuing education in Canada and in the United States.
Ms. Lemoine also offers professional trainings for individuals who work, directly or indirectly, with people suffering from EDs and who wish to broaden the scope of their knowledge. A two-day training program has been developed featuring intervention techniques, as well as concrete and practical tools, which have proven effective with eating disorder patients at the BACA clinic. She also offers individual supervision for professionals in the field.
For more than fifteen years, Ms Lemoine has been a member of many specialized organizations in the United States and Canada such as:
• Academy for Eating Disorders (AED)
• International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP)
• Eating Disorder Association of Canada (EDAC)
• National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
• National Eating Disorder Information Center (NEDIC)
• Massachusetts Eating Disorders Association (MEDA)
She has also presented at conferences, granted television and radio interviews, participated in a big screen movie “La peau et les os, après” both as an adviser off screen and as an expert on screen, she was a professional spokesperson for the Dove campaign for real beauty, she has also taught classes, among others, at McGill University and at various other colleges and universities.
In 2004, Ms. Lemoine became a member of the board of directors of the Association Québécoise d’aide aux personnes souffrant d’anorexie nerveuse et de boulimie (ANEB), a commitment she honoured for three years. Devoted to the cause of EDs, she has contributed to the newsletter Images and in fundraising events, she has supervised ANEB mental health counsellors in setting up a group for family and loved ones, which is one of her specialties, and has provided two-day training sessions to several of its volunteers. In 2013 she renewed her commitment with ANEB by once again joining its honour’s committee to raise funds for the cause.
Lastly, Ms. Lemoine’s drive to excel in the clinical field has led her to complete her certification in the treatment of personality disorders at the esteemed “Institut Victoria” in Montreal, to complete her advanced suicide intervention training through SAM, to complete mind-body-spirit training at psysanté, to continue to train in the field of addictions and, overall, to continue to participate annually in conferences related to the field of eating disorders as a recognition of the importance of continuing education.
Recently, besides writing articles, Ms. Lemoine is working on a book outlining the journey to recovery and wellness from both the angle of the sufferer and the angle of the parents and loved ones.
Why trust BACA?
Eating Disorders Clinic
Come and meet us
2121 Crescent street, suite 200
Montreal (Quebec) H3G 2C1
Contact us
Phone: (514) 544-2323 | 1-833-544-2323
Fax: (438) 802-5814
Email: info@cliniquebaca.com