


Understanding anorexia nervosa

People with anorexia impose upon themselves a severe food restriction. This behaviour eventually causes a significant weight loss and puts their lives in danger. They are often thin to the point of being emaciated yet fail to recognize that they are underweight.

Anorexia sufferers are obsessive regarding weight and body image, which leads them to develop phobic behaviours when it comes to food. They count calories, exercise excessively, eliminate a number of foods from their diet and isolate themselves in order to continue their self-destructive behaviour.

Anorexia symptoms

A person suffering from anorexia nervosa will exhibit the following behaviours:

A. Energy constraints leading to a lower-than-normal weight for the person’s sex, age and height

B. Intense fear of gaining weight or being overweight, even if the person is underweight.

C. Distorted perception of the weight and shape of their body; disproportionate importance given to the body in their perception of self; denial of the danger associated with body thinness.

There are two types of anorexia:
• Restricting type
• Binge eating with vomiting/purging type.

To consult all DSM-5 definitions of eating disorders, visit their website at

Do you think you might be suffering from anorexia?

Do you know someone close to you who might be suffering?

There are several approaches for treating anorexia

Specialized treatment for adolescents

More and more adolescents are vulnerable to eating disorders during this complex stage of development.

Outpatient follow-ups for adults

Woman, men, athletes… A different approach is necessary for the different populations in our society. Individual needs will vary and the experts at the BACA Clinic are known to adjust their approach accordingly.

Intensive outpatient treatment

Participation in an intensive program can sometimes be necessary to overcome a severe, invasive and destructive eating disorder.


“Since the fall of 2005, my road to recovery has progressed day by day. It is thanks to the BACA Clinic team that I came to feel better and to understand the reasons that led me to suffer from anorexia. I am learning to accept myself as I am and, more importantly, I am learning to love life and what positive things it can bring me. Something that I had forgotten for a long time! Many thanks to BACA for helping me get out of this hell and for continuing to be there for all of us.”
– Danielle

“Thank you to the BACA Clinic for their professionalism and their respect. Thank you for supporting us and restoring hope to our daughter. You were our last resort and, more importantly, you were a great help.”
– Catherine’s parents

“I will never be able to find the words to express my gratitude to the BACA Clinic… Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
– Micheline

Eating Disorders Clinic

Come and meet us

2121 Crescent street, suite 200
Montreal (Quebec)  H3G 2C1

Contact us

Phone: (514) 544-2323 | 1-833-544-2323
Fax: (438) 802-5814
